Color Consultation

Ask Our Color Specialist

Color Can Transform Spaces

Pro1 Painters can help you achieve the perfect look for your home or office. Our paint color specialist will work with you to select colors and finishes that match your decor and lighting, and bring out the best in your space. Whether you want to create a cozy atmosphere or make a small space feel larger, our specialist can provide suggestions that enhance your project. From interior spaces that work together seamlessly to exterior colors that improve curb appeal, we’re dedicated to transforming your space. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started on your next painting project.

Connie Cayson is a Color Specialist with 25 years of experience in interior decorating. For the last 23 years, she has worked with clients throughout the Alabama Gulf Coast to select colors for new and existing homes and businesses. Connie’s expertise in color selection has allowed her to create personalized design solutions that cater to the unique needs and preferences of her clients. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for design, she transforms spaces into beautiful, functional, and harmonious environments that reflect her clients’ style and vision. Connie is dedicated to delivering exceptional service and exceeding expectations in every project she takes on.

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Financing Available

We offer flexible financing options, including up to 18 months of interest-free financing with approved credit.  Don't let budget constraints hold you back. Take advantage of our financing option today and let us help you transform your home or office space with a beautiful new paint job.